Settlement of a bet when the event is cancelled, postponed, or interrupted

If a suspended or postponed event does not start within 12 hours, the bet will be voided for that event. Exceptions are listed below.


Tennis and other racquet sports

Match odds (tournament):

  • All bets remain valid as long as the match/offer is played during the tournament, regardless of any changes.

Match odds (at least one set played):

  • The match odds bets are based on the progression of the match. The competitor/team advancing to the next round or winning the tournament is considered the winner of the bet. The duration of the match, suspension, disqualification, etc., do not affect the outcome.
  • Bets remain valid when at least one set is completed. Bets are settled when the current result of the first set is confirmed.



  • If a suspended or postponed event does not start within 36 hours, the bet for that event will be voided.
  • Read more about the rules here.


You can read the betting rules here.

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